Just%20Stop%20Oil%20Protesters%20Arrested%20After%20Throwing%20Soup%20on%20Van%20Gogh%u2019s%20Sunflowers%20-%20Bloomberg : One of the activists, 21-year-old Phoebe Plummer from London, said in front of the painting: "What is worth more, art or life? Is it worth more than food? Worth more than justice? Sponsored Content Stocks, ETFs, CFDs? Natural Gas Trading Explained Capital.com "Are you more concerned about the protection of a painting, or the protection of our planet and people? The cost of living crisis is part of the cost of oil crisis." The Metropolitan Police said: "Officers were rapidly on scene at the National Gallery this morning after two Just Stop Oil protesters threw a substance over a painting and then glued themselves to a wall. Both have been arrested for criminal damage and aggravated trespass. "Officers are now de-bonding them." Sunflowers is the second, more famous, Van Gogh painting to be targeted by the group, with two climate act...