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Showing posts from May, 2023


We%20finally%20have%20the%20world%u2019s%20first%20female%20crash%20test%20dummy%20and%20here%u2019s%20why%20it%u2019s%20significant : Astrid%20Linder%20said%20that%20it%20wasn%u2019t%20just%20the%20height%20and%20weight%20of%20the%20dummy%20that%20has%20changed.%20Speaking%20to%20NPR%2C%20Linder%20said%2C%20%u201CWe%20have%20a%20very%20strong%20focus%20on%20how%20the%20torso%20looks%20like.%20And%20there%20we%20have%20some%20geometrical%20differences%20between%20males%20and%20females%2C%20but%20we%20also%20have%20differences%20in%20joint%20stiffnesses.%20And%20females%20have%20less%20muscles%20and%20with%20a%20lower%20total%20strength%2C%20which%20correspond%20to%20a%20lower%20stiffness%20between%20the%20joints.%u201D%0A%0A

Elon Musk Teases 2 New Tesla Products, but Shares Few Details

Elon Musk Teases 2 New Tesla Products, but Shares Few Details : "We are actually building a new product. We are actually designing a new product. We aren't sitting on our hands here," the Tesla CEO said at the company's annual shareholder meeting on Tuesday.� "There are two new products that I think you will be very excited about," he added.�

The Eurovision Song Contest 2023 in numbers

The Eurovision Song Contest 2023 in numbers : The broadcast of the Contest will be watched by over 160 million viewers worldwide, with over 8 hours of live TV and 50 live feeds. 29 commentators will broadcast live from the arena and with less than 50 seconds to strike and set between performances, the experienced broadcast team will ensure the show runs smoothly.

Fifty years and $500m: the happy business of the smiley symbol | Business | The Guardian

Fifty years and $500m: the happy business of the smiley symbol | Business | The Guardian : It%20can%20be%20difficult%20to%20imagine%20how%20such%20a%20simple%20icon%20could%20even%20be%20owned%2C%20but%20whether%20through%20genius%20or%20luck%2C%20Franklin%20had%20struck%20gold.%20The%20Smiley%20Company%20has%20fielded%20criticism%20for%20staking%20a%20claim%20to%20something%20so%20pervasive%2C%20but%20there%20don%u2019t%20seem%20to%20be%20too%20hard%20feelings%20on%20Ball%u2019s%20part.%20He%20died%20in%202001%2C%20but%20was%20%u201Cnot%20a%20money-driven%20guy%u201D%2C%20according%20to%20his%20son%2C%20Charles%20Ball%2C%20who%20told%20the%20Worcester%20Telegram%20%26%20Gazette%3A%20%u201CHe%20used%20to%20say%3A%20%u2018Hey%2C%20I%20can%20only%20eat%20one%20steak%20at%20a%20time%2C%20drive%20one%20car%20at%20a%20time.%u2019%u201D

Meditations On Moloch | Slate Star Codex

Meditations On Moloch | Slate Star Codex : Turning%20%u201Csatisfying%20customers%u201D%20and%20%u201Csatisfying%20citizens%u201D%20into%20the%20outputs%20of%20optimization%20processes%20was%20one%20of%20civilization%u2019s%20greatest%20advances%20and%20the%20reason%20why%20capitalist%20democracies%20have%20so%20outperformed%20other%20systems.%20But%20if%20we%20have%20bound%20Moloch%20as%20our%20servant%2C%20the%20bonds%20are%20not%20very%20strong%2C%20and%20we%20sometimes%20find%20that%20the%20tasks%20he%20has%20done%20for%20us%20move%20to%20his%20advantage%20rather%20than%20ours.%0A%0A

Meditations On Moloch | Slate Star Codex

Meditations On Moloch | Slate Star Codex MEDITATIONS ON MOLOCH POSTED ON JULY 30, 2014 BY SCOTT ALEXANDER I. Allen Ginsberg’s famous poem on Moloch: What sphinx of cement and aluminum bashed open their skulls and ate up their brains and imagination? Moloch! Solitude! Filth! Ugliness! Ashcans and unobtainable dollars! Children screaming under the stairways! Boys sobbing in armies! Old men weeping in the parks! Moloch! Moloch! Nightmare of Moloch! Moloch the loveless! Mental Moloch! Moloch the heavy judger of men! Moloch the incomprehensible prison! Moloch the crossbone soulless jailhouse and Congress of sorrows! Moloch whose buildings are judgment! Moloch the vast stone of war! Moloch the stunned governments! Moloch whose mind is pure machinery! Moloch whose blood is running money! Moloch whose fingers are ten armies! Moloch whose breast is a cannibal dynamo! Moloch whose ear is a smoking tomb! Moloch whose eyes are a thousand blind windows! Moloch whose skyscrapers stand in...

Todd Schulte on Twitter: "Media outlets make choices every day on how they cover people in the criminal justice system. This story, by the numbers: -95 paragraphs(!) -0 uses of the term convict, felon, offender -1 photo of the family at the beach -1 subheader with "devoted mother"" / Twitter

Todd Schulte on Twitter: "Media outlets make choices every day on how they cover people in the criminal justice system. This story, by the numbers: -95 paragraphs(!) -0 uses of the term convict, felon, offender -1 photo of the family at the beach -1 subheader with "devoted mother"" / Twitter

Elizabeth Holmes Opens Up About Her Theranos Trial and What Comes Next - The New York Times

Elizabeth Holmes Opens Up About Her Theranos Trial and What Comes Next - The New York Times : Liz Holmes Wants You to Forget About Elizabeth The black turtlenecks are gone. So is the voice. As the convicted Theranos founder awaits prison, she has adopted a new persona: devoted mother. Liz Holmes Wants You to Forget About Elizabeth The black turtlenecks are gone. So is the voice. As the convicted Theranos founder awaits prison, she has adopted a new persona: devoted mother. May 7, 2023 Elizabeth Holmes blends in with the other moms here, in a bucket hat and sunglasses, her newborn strapped to her chest and swathed in a Baby Yoda nursing blanket. We walk past a family of caged orangutans and talk about how Ms. Holmes is preparing to go to prison for one of the most notorious cases of corporate fraud in recent history. In case you’re wondering, Ms. Holmes speaks in a soft, slightly low, but totally unremarkable voice, no hint of the throaty contralto she used while running her defunct blo...