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Showing posts from August, 2024

Has the Long Friendship of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett Reached Its Final Act? - The New York Times

Has the Long Friendship of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett Reached Its Final Act? - The New York Times : But%20the%20two%20men%20hit%20it%20off%20immediately.%20Settling%20into%20a%20patterned%20couch%2C%20Mr.%20Buffett%2C%20dressed%20in%20a%20red%20polo%20shirt%20and%20dark%20trousers%2C%20his%20left%20foot%20propped%20up%20against%20the%20coffee%20table%2C%20and%20Mr.%20Gates%20in%20a%20tennis%20outfit%20%u2014%20shorts%20and%20a%20white%20shirt%2C%20his%20white%20socks%20coming%20up%20to%20mid-calf%2C%20his%20mop%20of%20hair%20tousled%20%u2014%20talked%20for%2011%20hours%20straight.%20The%20other%20guests%20had%20to%20pull%20them%20apart.%20Mr.%20Gates%20was%20surprised%20by%20the%20penetrating%20questions%20Mr.%20Buffett%20directed%20at%20him%20about%20the%20software%20business%2C%20and%20found%20himself%20warming%20to%20the%20avuncular%20Midwestern%20billionaire.%0A%0AThe%20two%20have%20been%20close%20friends%20ever%20since.%20Once%2C%20recounting%20the%20story%20of%20their%20meetin...


Does%20%u201CIt%27s%20the%20old%20people%22%20explain%20everything%3F am fascinated by your takes on old people. What makes it so interesting is that, the more that I think about it, "it's the old people" explains everything (read on if curious, or just bail if not): Premise 1: Old people would prefer higher profits now (and thus juiced 401ks) than lower, sustainable profits with investment in the future. Explains Disney and more. This was basically the undoing of Boeing: when Boeing merged with McDonnell Douglas, the suits at the latter supplanted the engineers at the former, focused on juicing share prices rather than innovating—and we got the 737 MAX, rushed to production because Boeing had _no_ new narrow body jets in development when Airbus dropped the A320. Today, Boeing does not have a single new models in development—and it takes a decade to bring one from the drawing board to the assembly line, so no new Boeing models until the 2030s. My great grandmother f...