Mac GUI City :: Rumors or Reality..
ms is intended to up the net's Macintosh rumor frenzy level! Sure hope
urumored HyperCard program (developed by Macintosh software wizard Bill Atkinson),
s twenty seven pin] letter quality printer). All four products were scheduled to be on display at the Macworld Expo show in Boston this month.
ing block for Macintosh technology;" and"an erector set for creating applications."
nm coined by Ted Nelson in his book 'Computer Lib' - considered a visionary work on the future of computing.
dr browse by "scanning" groups of items, which will display them automatically in an almost animated sequence. "It's an English-like programming language underneath a visual interface,"
aincluded with every new Macintosh sold as of August 11, 1987. For current Mac owners the program is available for $49 (suggested retail price). It requires a minimum of 1 megabyte of RAM to run and at least two 800k disk drives (although Apple recomends a
ded is a multimedia version of the Whole Earth catalog which will include graphics and sound. [39clocks interjects: I really wonder about Apple's motives for giving 4th dimension to Guy Kawasaki. Did Kawasaki know a lot about HyperCard while he was working at Apple? If so, he must have believed
he product, which will decrease the number of interested purchasers.] "The number one issue [with HyperCard] is it allows you to customize data instantly," notes Tim Bajarin, an analyst with Creative Strategies in San Jose. "HyperCard is not a database, it's an informational browsing tool," explains
m0) which functions as a kind of souped-up, interactive travel guide with detailed information to help in planning trips around the world, including currency and time conversion, postal rates, emergency care facilities for 65 countries, and an international directory and direct dial capability available from within.
t means "yes" while nodding is "no"). "It's intended for anyone who conducts business overseas either by telephone, mail or in person," says Goodman, who is also planning a strictly domestic version of Business Class. Goodman describes his second stackware program, Focal Point, as a "client, project and deadline manager" which he first developed to help in his freelance
wlable for a suggested retail price of $49 as part of a four disk Macintosh system tool update for current Mac owners). One offshoot of the acceptance of Multifinder, according to Apple, is that desk accessories for the Mac are likely to become more like little programs that can be launched when the computer is booted up and instantly available. The first Multifinder application from apple is PrintMaster, a program that
pl enought to stack on top of one of Apple's 800k external disk drives. The half-duplex modem won't work for connecting to online services, but will allow users to transfer files to other AppleFax modem users. [is this Apple's attempt at a 9600 baud protocol] With the FaxModem, Macintosh users will be able to send and receive files to or from any GroupII or GroupIII (the predominant fax transmission standard) facsimile machines worldwide. A graphic or typically Mac-oriented software program
a LQ The ImageWriter LQ is a 27-pin, letter quality, wide carriage printer, with optional color ribbons and an array of paper options such as up to three cut sheet feeders,"push/pull" tractor feed, bottom feed, AppleTalk option for network sharing, and envelop feed. The 250 character per second printer includes Courier, Symbol, Helvetica and Times faces and output at 216 dpi - three times the normal Mac screen resolution and twice that of the Imagewriter II dot matrix printer. The ImageWriter LQ will be available in the 4th quarter of 1987 at $1399. Apple also announced it will discontinue production of its previous wide carriage model, the ImageWriter 15 when the ImageWriter LQ begins shipping. - By David Needle end of article. Is that enough to whet your appetite? [all (almost) bracketted comments are mine] information to help in planning trips around the world, i
Subject: Rumors or Reality...
Date: 11 Aug 1987 12:00 am
Ref: 1
. today's issue of Computer Currents (pg 8, 8/11/87) comes the following. Thi
Froms is intended to up the net's Macintosh rumor frenzy level! Sure hope
ding the widely-
they don't mind: Apple Computer has unwrapped several new products inclurumored HyperCard program (developed by Macintosh software wizard Bill Atkinson),
Juggler), the Apple Fax/Modem, and the ImageWriter LQ (a 27 pin [that's
Multifinder (a multitasking program codenamed and referred to in earlier reports as twenty seven pin] letter quality printer). All four products were scheduled to be on display at the Macworld Expo show in Boston this month.
new build
HyperCard The most important of the new products is HyperCard, which Apple officials variously described as "a fundemental piece of Macintosh;" "aing block for Macintosh technology;" and"an erector set for creating applications."
d manipulated in a free form manner described as "hypertext" after the ter
The program uses the metaphor of cards as files of information that can be accessed anm coined by Ted Nelson in his book 'Computer Lib' - considered a visionary work on the future of computing.
individual cards or stacks can be cross- referenced. You can also search o
A key feature of HyperCard is that it allows full-text searching without the need to pre-index information andr browse by "scanning" groups of items, which will display them automatically in an almost animated sequence. "It's an English-like programming language underneath a visual interface,"
nd MacWrite were bundled with the original Macintosh, HyperCard will be
explained Atkinson. The program also includes an array of painting tools which Atkinson says are more powerful than those offered by MacPaint. Just as the original versions of MacPaint aincluded with every new Macintosh sold as of August 11, 1987. For current Mac owners the program is available for $49 (suggested retail price). It requires a minimum of 1 megabyte of RAM to run and at least two 800k disk drives (although Apple recomends a
freeware programs it calls "stackware." One such program being develop
minimum of one 800k dirve and a hard disk). The program also works over the Appleshare network. Apple, which has already seeded 100 developers with the product, expects HyperCard to generate hundreds, and eventually thousands, of new commercial, academic anded is a multimedia version of the Whole Earth catalog which will include graphics and sound. [39clocks interjects: I really wonder about Apple's motives for giving 4th dimension to Guy Kawasaki. Did Kawasaki know a lot about HyperCard while he was working at Apple? If so, he must have believed
a few hundred for run time modules and by doing so, charge a lot more for t
that 4th dimension was vastly superior to HyperCard. But from a developers perspective, if I develop a HyperCard application I know that there will be a huge audience of users who will be able to run it. With 4th dimension on the other hand, I have got to shell out $500 to $600 for the program,he product, which will decrease the number of interested purchasers.] "The number one issue [with HyperCard] is it allows you to customize data instantly," notes Tim Bajarin, an analyst with Creative Strategies in San Jose. "HyperCard is not a database, it's an informational browsing tool," explains
an. Goodman's first program, due out in September, is Busines Class (under $5
stackware author Danny Goodman. Goodman, a computer book author by trade, has written two stackware applications to be published by Activision this fall. "[writing software is] something I've wanted to do for years, even before I got a Mac, but traditional languages were beyond my patience," says Goodm0) which functions as a kind of souped-up, interactive travel guide with detailed information to help in planning trips around the world, including currency and time conversion, postal rates, emergency care facilities for 65 countries, and an international directory and direct dial capability available from within.
various countries (for example, in Bulgaria shaking the head left to righ
[by the way, there is a screen dump of this application in the article and it looks to me like you can either define (or possibly draw) new window and dialog box styles or that Bill Atkinson has injected a few mutations to speed the Mac user interface's evolution.] The program also includes tips on social customs int means "yes" while nodding is "no"). "It's intended for anyone who conducts business overseas either by telephone, mail or in person," says Goodman, who is also planning a strictly domestic version of Business Class. Goodman describes his second stackware program, Focal Point, as a "client, project and deadline manager" which he first developed to help in his freelance
ith each Mac after September 15 (it will also be avai
writing business. It's scheduled to ship in October. MULTIFINDER If Apple delivers its new Multifinder software on schedule, every Macintosh it ships after September 15 will have the ability to do multitasking - ie, operate more than one program at once - which is also a key function in Microsoft's OS/2 software not due out until next year. Multifinder will be bundled wlable for a suggested retail price of $49 as part of a four disk Macintosh system tool update for current Mac owners). One offshoot of the acceptance of Multifinder, according to Apple, is that desk accessories for the Mac are likely to become more like little programs that can be launched when the computer is booted up and instantly available. The first Multifinder application from apple is PrintMaster, a program that
ability (both receiving and sending) and a 9600 baud modem in a package smal
allows background printing. Apple officials say Multifinder has a very high level of compatibility with Macintosh software, more so than its earlier Switcher program which allows users to toggle or have access to a series of applications without rebooting. [I guess I've been forgetting to reboot] THE APPLE FAX MODEM Scheduled to ship this November, the AppleFax Modem, priced at somewhere under $699, combines facsimile capl enought to stack on top of one of Apple's 800k external disk drives. The half-duplex modem won't work for connecting to online services, but will allow users to transfer files to other AppleFax modem users. [is this Apple's attempt at a 9600 baud protocol] With the FaxModem, Macintosh users will be able to send and receive files to or from any GroupII or GroupIII (the predominant fax transmission standard) facsimile machines worldwide. A graphic or typically Mac-oriented software program
serwriter [but exactly the resolution of the new ImageWriter LQ]. IMAGEWRITER
(e.g. you select an envelope to send a letter) is included to help operate the FaxModem. To send to another fax, you select the FaxModem much as you would proceed to output to a printer, using the Mac's Chooser option. [these guys never cease to amaze me...] You can also transmit to multiple fax machines off a distribution list. Macintosh documents sent via fax, complete with text and graphics, can be printed out at 216 dots per inch resolution - somewhat below the 300 dpi resolution of the La LQ The ImageWriter LQ is a 27-pin, letter quality, wide carriage printer, with optional color ribbons and an array of paper options such as up to three cut sheet feeders,"push/pull" tractor feed, bottom feed, AppleTalk option for network sharing, and envelop feed. The 250 character per second printer includes Courier, Symbol, Helvetica and Times faces and output at 216 dpi - three times the normal Mac screen resolution and twice that of the Imagewriter II dot matrix printer. The ImageWriter LQ will be available in the 4th quarter of 1987 at $1399. Apple also announced it will discontinue production of its previous wide carriage model, the ImageWriter 15 when the ImageWriter LQ begins shipping. - By David Needle end of article. Is that enough to whet your appetite? [all (almost) bracketted comments are mine] information to help in planning trips around the world, i
MacWorld Expo Rumors... | ||
1 | 10 Aug 1987 1:22 am | Christopher Chow |
Rumors or Reality... | ||
2 | 11 Aug 1987 12:00 am | |
Hypercard (was MacWorld Expo Rumors...) | ||
3 | 12 Aug 1987 2:33 am | |
MacWorld Expo Rumors... | ||
4 | 13 Aug 1987 2:16 am | |
5 | 13 Aug 1987 4:59 am | |
6 | 13 Aug 1987 12:51 pm | |
7 | 13 Aug 1987 6:08 pm | |
8 | 15 Aug 1987 10:02 am |