Bonkers Institute: 1901 Bayer Heroin ad: YER Pharmaceutical Products � ~ � HEROIN - HYDROCHLORIDE
is pre-eminently adapted for the manufacture of cough elixirs, cough balsams, cough drops,
cough lozenges, and cough medicines of any kind. � Price in 1 oz. packages, $4.85 per ounce;
less in larger quantities. � The efficient dose being very small, it is
The Cheapest Specific for the R
is pre-eminently adapted for the manufacture of cough elixirs, cough balsams, cough drops,
cough lozenges, and cough medicines of any kind. � Price in 1 oz. packages, $4.85 per ounce;
less in larger quantities. � The efficient dose being very small, it is
The Cheapest Specific for the R