Donald Trump's Polling Team Explains How It Knew Trump Might Win | WIRED: The election upset already has inspired headlines about data being dead. Trump did, after all, reject the need for data, only to hire�Cambridge Analytica during the summer after clinching the nomination.�But Oczkowski believes such a�characterization is as much a misreading of the situation as the polls themselves.�“Data is not dead,” he says, before repeating the old political adage that data doesn’t win campaigns, it�only win margins. “Data’s alive and kicking. It’s just how you use it and how you buck normal political trends to understand your data.”
In a campaign that bucked normal political trends, upending nearly every traditional poll there was seems a fitting—if unnerving—end.
In a campaign that bucked normal political trends, upending nearly every traditional poll there was seems a fitting—if unnerving—end.