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Showing posts from July, 2018

Profits Unlimited’s “$7 Tech Stock” and the “strange industry expected to surge 8,000%” | Stock Gumshoe

Profits Unlimited’s “$7 Tech Stock” and the “strange industry expected to surge 8,000%” | Stock Gumshoe : So believing in STM, even at what looks like a horribly depressed price compared to their 20 year history, means believing that they have some way of fixing things and righting the ship, and that they really can get to revenue growth and earnings growth again, perhaps on the strength of their focus on MEMS chips that will be used in the internet of things, self-driving cars, etc. The problem with that picture, as I see it, is that all the other strong companies in the space know about these trends, too, and they’re all working toward dominating those same markets. I’m a lot happier betting on a strong, profitable company going into a competitive growth phase than I am betting on a company that’s counting on external growth to help them fix problems they’ve had for more than a decade.

The Importance of Letting Go of So-Called Dirty Pain | WIRED

The Importance of Letting Go of So-Called Dirty Pain | WIRED : Cognitive scientists have a useful conceit for distinguishing two kinds of pain: clean and dirty. Clean pain is the kind all mammals experience—tissue damage, of course, but also the ache after the death of a mate or a child. Dirty pain is infinitely more common, and it shows up in humans. I’m an idiot for getting this sunburn. Why did my controlling cousin make me go to the beach? With blame and indignation come new surges of cortisol that amplify—maybe even cause—physical pain. Shinzen Young, the mindfulness teacher, counsels dying patients to experience pain from annoyance to agony cleanly—with precision. It’s a challenge, but a liberating one: to resolve the pain by removing stories about who did what to you. The reflex to find culprits—women, Jews—is a distinctly human form of insanity. A parable about a sailor in the Zhuangzi, a Taoist text, also emphasizes the dangers of ladling dirty pain onto clean. “If he see...

Inside the 23-Dimensional World of Your Car’s Paint Job | WIRED

Inside the 23-Dimensional World of Your Car’s Paint Job | WIRED : Photons can reflect off a surface, bouncing away at the angle as they arrived. They can also refract, heading off on a different trajectory. Both things happen when light hits an object. But a surface can also diffract light, bending its path—when light grazes past an object. If the pigment particles embedded in the surface are roughly the same size or slightly bigger than the inbound wavelength, different parts of the particle interact with different parts of the electric and magnetic field changes that make up the photon. The waves can interfere, both constructively and destructively, changing their scattering and eventual appearance.

Years of Education Influenced by Genetic Makeup, Enormous Study Finds - The New York Times

Years of Education Influenced by Genetic Makeup, Enormous Study Finds - The New York Times : With a fuller understanding of the influences exerted by genes, scientists think they will be able to better measure what happens when they try to improve a child’s learning environment. The new study, published in the journal Nature Genetics, finds that many of the genetic variations implicated in educational attainment are involved in how neurons communicate in the brain.


The recent case  Infopaq International A/S v. Danske Dagblades Forening  decided by the Court of Justice for the European Union could influence businesses that summarize or aggregate content. Under this ruling, excerpts of copy- righted material unproblematic in the United States could invite liability if reproduced in European Union member states. In the United States, copying words or phrases only infringes a copyright where those words or phrases are particularly unique or core to the original work. By contrast, the European Union Information Society Directive provides an exclusive right to even partial reproductions. In the Infopaq  case, the European Court of Justice read the Directive to apply to eleven-word sentence fragments so long as those fragments demonstrated the author’s intellectual creation. This article will examine the standards for copyright infringement of small sections of text in the United States and European Union after  Infopaq .

The Apple Watch on cocaine, self-driving secrets, and other news from the Apple crime blotter

The Apple Watch on cocaine, self-driving secrets, and other news from the Apple crime blotter : According to CNBC, users of cocaine have been using their Apple Watches and Fitbits to monitor their heart rates and prevent overdoses. Apple did not comment on CNBC's story, but one cardiologist called it not a great idea, in part because "it's possible this is leading people to do more cocaine."

Book Excerpt: How Music Fans Built the Internet | WIRED

Book Excerpt: How Music Fans Built the Internet | WIRED : I lacked the language to call it "sexism" or "ageism" at the time, but the more I read music criticism and interviews with musicians, the more it stung to hear how blithely they used the trope of "13-year-old girls" as prima facie evidence that whatever music we liked was bad.

Čak 90% onih koji su bili pred tv ekranima gledali Hrvatsku - Več

Čak 90% onih koji su bili pred tv ekranima gledali Hrvatsku - Več : - O velikom zanimanju za ovaj dramatičan susret u kojem je Hrvatska nakon izvođenja jedanaesteraca izborila nastup u polufinale govori i podatak kako je produžetke gledalo čak 90 posto svih onih koji su bili pred malim ekranima (SHR), što je najveća zabilježena brojka tijekom ovog prvenstva - ističe se u priopćenju.

Hands on with the new Apple and Blackmagic Thunderbolt 3 eGPU

Hands on with the new Apple and Blackmagic Thunderbolt 3 eGPU : As with the rest of the external GPU units we've examined, it connects through Thunderbolt 3, and is designed to connect to an external display for maximum performance boost. However, the Blackmagic one is the first that will accelerate a Thunderbolt 3 display without relying on hacks or other hardware workarounds —more on that in a bit.

Book Excerpt: How Music Fans Built the Internet | WIRED

Book Excerpt: How Music Fans Built the Internet | WIRED : What Jay Rosen famously called "the people formerly known as the audience" can no longer be treated only as abstract numbers in a spreadsheet. "We need to radically rethink how media audiences are positioned in our new media ecosystems," Tim Anderson argues. What used to be an audience is now "an altogether new actor that is explicitly positioned as an essential part of the design and architecture behind the production, distribution, and exhibition of information that circulates throughout new media ecosystems."

(3) What is the literal translation of the Sanskrit word for war? - Quora

(3) What is the literal translation of the Sanskrit word for war? - Quora : This translation shown in the movie Arrival (2016 movie) is not entirely correct and is subjected to change with different interpretation of linguistic scholars . Vedic Sanskrit could be translated or mis-translated like this quite easily , the grammar of Sanskrit allows one to divide word from anywhere( at the beginning,middle or end) also known as (संधिविछेद ) in hindi. The meaning of the word will change according to the way you try to divide (संधिविछेद) the word.

3 Common Eye Conditions and Treatments

3 Common Eye Conditions and Treatments : The Cause: As baby develops in utero, the tissue inside the tear duct sloughs off and leaves a hollow core. If that doesn't happen, the tissue remains and blocks the duct.

'VAR is cleaning football': Fifa president�Gianni Infantino holds court ahead of World Cup final

'VAR is cleaning football': Fifa president�Gianni Infantino holds court ahead of World Cup final : Infantino revealed that the Thai boys’ football team rescued from a cave will be invited to the Fifa Best Awards in September, but rejected calls for volunteers to be paid. He said: “We are all volunteers. As soon as we go home we drive our children to their football or basketball or handball tournaments.”

‘He has the traits of a psychopath’: the inside story of the parachute murder plot | UK news | The Guardian

‘He has the traits of a psychopath’: the inside story of the parachute murder plot | UK news | The Guardian : Parachute harnesses at Netheravon. In the 10 years before 2015, there were 2,900 incidents in Britain in which a reserve parachute had to be deployed; there were none in which it also failed. Photograph: Jon Tonks for the Guardian

Mission: Impossible - Fallout. Forget Muslims and Russia. Hollywood has a new bogeyman. | The Canary

Mission: Impossible - Fallout. Forget Muslims and Russia. Hollywood has a new bogeyman. | The Canary : It is perhaps telling of the age we live in that one of Hollywood’s biggest franchises has gone from having just plain evil baddies to having plain evil anarchist, anti-establishment baddies. Not that it’s a first, of course; the late Heath Ledger’s ‘Joker’ was positively anarchist in The Dark Knight. But the message is fairly clear: we shouldn’t be fearing the Muslamists or the Commies now. The enemy is the anti-establishment movement, with its ‘fake news’, protests, dislike of capitalism, and whacky ‘eat the rich’ ideas – even if this is all as far-removed from the truth about anarchism as you get.

How the BBC Lost the Plot on Brexit | by Nick Cohen | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books

How the BBC Lost the Plot on Brexit | by Nick Cohen | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books : Much of contemporary politics resembles the brainwashing techniques of religious sects, which discredit sources of information that might contradict the cult’s teachings. Political leaders cannot order their followers to cut off communications with their families and leave their partners if they are not fellow members of the sect, but they have found other ways to imitate L. Ron Hubbard. Their most effective technique is to take a half-truth—that all journalistic choices are ideological to some extent—and use it as a weapon to suppress the full truth.�

'I was shocked it was so easy': ​meet the professor who says facial recognition ​​can tell if you're gay | Technology | The Guardian

'I was shocked it was so easy': ​meet the professor who says facial recognition ​​can tell if you're gay | Technology | The Guardian : Kosinski’s research dismisses physiognomy as “a mix of superstition and racism disguised as science” – but then argues it created a taboo around “studying or even discussing the links between facial features and character”. There is growing evidence, he insists, that links between faces and psychology exist, even if they are invisible to the human eye; now, with advances in machine learning, such links can be perceived. “We didn’t have algorithms 50 years ago that could spot patterns,” he says. “We only had human judges.” In a paper published last year, Kosinski and a Stanford computer scientist, Yilun Wang, reported that a machine-learning system was able to distinguish between photos of gay and straight people with a high degree of accuracy. They used 35,326 photographs from dating websites and what Kosinski describes as “off-the-shelf” ...

'I was shocked it was so easy': ​meet the professor who says facial recognition ​​can tell if you're gay | Technology | The Guardian

'I was shocked it was so easy': ​meet the professor who says facial recognition ​​can tell if you're gay | Technology | The Guardian : Psychologist Michal Kosinski says artificial intelligence can detect your sexuality and politics just by looking at your face. What if he’s right?

100 times faster broadband is coming: 5G passes first test -- ScienceDaily

100 times faster broadband is coming: 5G passes first test -- ScienceDaily : In a in a keynote speech this week at the 5G Industry Summit in Shanghai, Prof Nekovee said: "With phase one of 5G global industry standards just being completed which focuses on 5G enhanced mobile broadband, research is now moving to address 5G technology to support ultra reliable and ultra low-latency connectivity for "vertical industries," such as automotive and industrial automation. Our research is focusing on these new frontiers of 5G, as well as investigating future deployment by operators, including indoor coverage and spectrum coexistence in newly assigned 5G frequencies in 3.5 Ghz and lower mm-wave bands."

This Mutation Math Shows How Life Keeps on Evolving | WIRED

This Mutation Math Shows How Life Keeps on Evolving | WIRED : Not quite a decade ago, however, one of Nowak’s collaborators, Krishnendu Chatterjee, a computer science researcher at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria, also became interested in this problem. He and his group had already spent years developing an understanding of similar problems involving graph theory and probabilities, and they thought the intuitions and insights they had developed might prove useful on this evolution problem.

Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System

Abstract.  A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution. Digital signatures provide part of the solution, but the main benefits are lost if a trusted third party is still required to prevent double-spending. We propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer network. The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of hash-based proof-of-work, forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing the proof-of-work. The longest chain not only serves as proof of the sequence of events witnessed, but proof that it came from the largest pool of CPU power. As long as a majority of CPU power is controlled by nodes that are not cooperating to attack the network, they'll generate the longest chain and outpace attackers. The network itself requires minimal structure. Messages are broadcast on a best effort basis, and no...

Duality: An excerpt

Duality: An excerpt “The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks.” I think the question that is most often brought up about bitcoin, is why. Why was it created at all? And the answer, as plainly visible as anyone could see, I In creating bitcoin, much thought went into how to explored the possibility of anonymous Untraceable Electronic Cash he embedded in the coinbase of the  first  genesis block. integrate already existing ideas from the  cypherpunk  community. Ideas proposed by individuals like Adam Back, Wei Dai, David Chaum, and Hal Finney. David Chaum preceded me by almost twenty years, but with his paper transactions using a number of  cryptographic  protocols. Its inherent flaw however, was that it was centralized. And like all things, people can lose trust in something that is controlled by one authority. Still, it paved the way in showing us (as in cypherpunks) at least that anonymous transactions  were possible. The...