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Showing posts from February, 2025

AI criticised in film industry but cloned voices could become as common as stunt doubles, says technology expert | Ents & Arts News | Sky News

AI criticised in film industry but cloned voices could become as common as stunt doubles, says technology expert | Ents & Arts News | Sky News : Skarnulyte explained that she used recordings of herself speaking Lithuanian and then voice-to-voice AI conversion, effectively grafting my voice onto hers.

Netflix says its brief Apple TV app integration was a mistake | The Verge

Netflix says its brief Apple TV app integration was a mistake | The Verge : Netflix%20spokesperson%20MoMo%20Zhou%20has%20told%20The%20Verge%20that%20this%20morning%u2019s%20window%20where%20Netflix%20appeared%20as%20a%20%u201Cparticipating%u201D%20service%20in%20Apple%20TV%20%u2014%20including%20temporary%20support%20for%20the%20watchlist%20and%20%u201Ccontinue%20watching%u201D%20features%20%u2014%20was%20an%20error%20and%20has%20now%20been%20rolled%20back.%20That%u2019s%20a%20shame.%20The%20jubilation%20in%20our%20comments%20on%20the%20original%20story%20was%20palpable.%0A%0ANetflix%20has%20never%20gotten%20on%20board%20with%20Apple%u2019s%20attempts%20to%20aggregate%20content%20from%20numerous%20streaming%20services%2C%20and%20it%20has%20also%20refused%20to%20participate%20in%20similar%20efforts%20from%20other%20companies%20like%20Google.%20So%20it%20was%20a%20surprise%20when%20it%20seemed%20like%20Netflix%20had%20changed%20its%20tune%20out%20of%20nowhere%20without%20any%20press%20re...

A Honduras Dream City Now Faces $11 Billion Political Dispute - Bloomberg

A Honduras Dream City Now Faces $11 Billion Political Dispute - Bloomberg : Former%20supporters%20have%20become%20skeptics.%20Paul%20Romer%2C%20a%20Nobel-winning%20economist%20and%20World%20Bank%20leader%2C%20once%20touted%20the%20city-state%20concept%20to%20spur%20development%20in%20impoverished%20nations.%20Prospera%u2019s%20developers%20have%20lost%20their%20way%2C%20he%20said.%0A%0A%u201CIt%27s%20like%20a%20gated%20community.%20They%27re%20just%20trying%20to%20isolate%20themselves%20and%20do%20what%27s%20best%20for%20them%2C%u201D%20said%20Romer.%20%u201CThey%u2019re%20also%20somehow%20living%20in%20this%20libertarian%20fantasy%20that%20took%20root%20early%20in%20this%20project%2C%20that%20this%20will%20be%20a%20place%20they%20can%20be%20free%20of%20the%20government.%20That%27s%20not%20gonna%20turn%20out%20well.%u201D%0A%0ABrimen%u2019s%20not%20giving%20up.%0A%0A%0A

H. pylori - Google Search

H. pylori - Google Search : burning pain in your stomach (abdomen) Stomach pain that may be worse when your stomach is empty. Nausea. Loss of appetite. Frequent burping. Bloating. Unintentional weight loss.

Best Air Purifier of 2025

Best Air Purifier of 2025 : Cultural behaviors play a big role too. Purity is an inherent part of toilet etiquette in India. According to common customs, toilets are often built outside the home and deemed unclean. That means many people in India still see open defecation as a more sanitary option than using a bathroom in or near the home. Because of this, even after the government builds new toilets for people, they will go unused, instead functioning as storage rooms.


- Perplexity for search. - Ideogram for quick visuals. - Midjourney for sophisticated visuals. - Descript for video editing. - Opus for video clipping. - Gamma for presentations. - Replicate to train your own models. - Suno for generating your sounds. - Claude for MVPs - DeepSeek R1 for coding. - ChatGPT for everything else.


Read%20Sir%20Lucian%20Grainge%u2019s%202025%20memo%20to%20Universal%20Music%20Group%20staff%3A%20%u2018Streaming%202.0%20will%20represent%20a%20new%20age%20of%20innovation%2C%20consumer%20segmentation%2C%20geographic%20expansion%2C%20greater%20consumer%20value%20and%20ARPU%20growth.%u2019%20-%20Music%20Business%20Worldwide : READ%20SIR%20LUCIAN%20GRAINGE%u2019S%202025%20MEMO%20TO%20UNIVERSAL%20MUSIC%20GROUP%20STAFF%3A%20%u2018STREAMING%202.0%20WILL%20REPRESENT%20A%20NEW%20AGE%20OF%20INNOVATION%2C%20CONSUMER%20SEGMENTATION%2C%20GEOGRAPHIC%20EXPANSION%2C%20GREATER%20CONSUMER%20VALUE%20AND%20ARPU%20GROWTH.%u2019%0A

Jensen Huang’s Maxims

Post | Feed | LinkedIn 1. The mission is the boss: Decisions are made on the basis of the end goal of serving the customer, not internal politics. 2. Strategy is about the things you give up: Pick the most important thing. Do that and leave the others aside. 3. We don't steal market share, we create markets: Nvidia wants to be the market leader in a new area rather than fight over an existing business. 4. Criticism is a gift: Providing direct feedback leads to continuous improvement. 5. Don't worry about the score. Worry about how you play the game: Don't be distracted by stock price volatility. Focus on delivering excellent work and creating value. 6. Honing the sword: Spirited debate often leads to the best ideas. 7. Is it world class? : Nvidia's products, talent acquisition, and business practices must be benchmarked against the best in the industry. 8. Let's go back to first principles: Tackle problems with a clean sheet of paper, not o...