How WWE Made WrestleMania XXX its Biggest Live Streamed Event - Streaming Media Magazine: Our largest event since we launched the network has been WrestleMania XXX," Lalley said. "If you're not familiar, WrestleMania is the Super Bowl for the WWE. It's a huge, huge event. It took place at the beginning of April and that's been our largest event. We were hitting a half-million to three-quarters of a million concurrents during that event. It was pretty huge, and on the same night that 'Game of Thrones' was premiering, so there's a lot of internet traffic going on at the same time."
Putting on a large-scale live event involves a lot of planning, especially when the audience is paying for quality.
Putting on a large-scale live event involves a lot of planning, especially when the audience is paying for quality.