Times Reaches Online Milestone, but Many Challenges Await - The New York Times: • The money spent on journalism — about $300 million a year, up 50 percent since 2008 — is worth it. “The most precious thing we have is the quality of the news report and the range of opinion,” he said. “It’s why people are prepared to pay a lot of money” to subscribe. The Times’s publisher, Arthur O. Sulzberger Jr., and its board members were wise, he said, as they “obstinately stuck with the idea of a really, really large-scale, properly invested-in newsroom,” while other news organizations were “chiseling away.” The resulting “depth and breadth is the point of The Times. It would be self-defeating to change that.” (Despite buyouts last year, the news staff remains the same size, around 1,300, because of hiring in such areas as audience development.)
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