4 Ways to Regain Control of Your Identity in the Workplace: Recently, I met with an executive from a Fortune 50 company who shared his workplace frustration and his own identity crisis. “My company brand defines me.� My job title is my credential.� My quarterly evaluation binds me.�� I am told that I am next to being promoted only to find my boss is leaving the organization.� My boss controls my future.��� I am forced to start over by proving that I am still worthy of the "next in line status."
Does this sound familiar?� Do you ever feel that your identity has become marginalized because your self-worth as an employee has become defined by an employer that only views you as head-count liability rather than a valuable asset?�
Does this sound familiar?� Do you ever feel that your identity has become marginalized because your self-worth as an employee has become defined by an employer that only views you as head-count liability rather than a valuable asset?�